Most Americans have been convinced that retiring from work is as 'American as apple pie' (Most of us) try to plan for it, expect it and actually proceed to do it no matter what. However, More and more people are awakening to a not necessarily harsh, but real, reality--it's not a given to retire anymore.
This blog is dedicated to those who have evolved to this 'new' reality or those who are considering options. Its success is based on input from those who can offer and share comments, expertness, experiences, and interactive support as many are trying to understand or come to a realization of the 'new' status on retiring yet it can be as daunting as trying to win the lottery or maybe as easy as counting from 1 to 3. While this blog is not meant to debate the merits of retiring and spending those last sunset years in a little log cabin by the sea, it is profoundly clear that people have options. Just attempting to redefine the meaning of retiring could be a colossal undertaking.
As the facilitator, my position is that people should be of some use while tarrying in this temporal and physical matter called earth. As long as we are earthbound, we have a purpose that rests in the paradigm of mutuality with our God, with one another and, most of all, with ourselves. Once a human cease to explore their role of helping to beautify the world I propose that our existence takes on another layer of finiteness. Please join in the discussion and help your fellow human to always be fluid in their earthly journey.